2016 is almost over, so I thought I would list out all of my personal finance tips and blog posts in one easy spot from the past year so that you can check them all out.
I have all of my blog posts easily divided into the below categories:
- Money saving tips
- Debt tips
- Money management tips
- Make money blogging
- Make extra money
- Income reports
- Life, motivation, and inspiration
- Travel
Enjoy these personal finance tips!
Money saving personal finance tips
Related personal finance tip: Sign up for a website like Ebates where you can earn free CASH BACK for just spending like how you normally would online. All you do is click on a store that you want to shop through (they have TONS of stores such as Kohls, REI, Toys R Us, etc.), and shop just like how you normally would. Ebates makes a commission for referring you to the store you just shopped at, and they give you some of that money back as a thank you. Plus, when you sign up through my link, you receive a free $10 cash back! My Ebates review: Money Saving Tip – Use Ebates For Free Cash Back.
Debt tips
Related personal finance tip: With Credit Sesame you can get your credit score for free, with no catch. It doesn’t hurt to check your credit score, so you have no reason not to know your credit score. Your credit score can affect whether or not you are approved for a loan, whether you are hired at certain jobs, your interest rate, and more. It’s relatively easy to raise your credit score, so you should start doing so today! Read How Your Credit Score Affects Your Life + Credit Sesame Review.
Money management tips
Related personal finance tip: Personal Capital is a great resource that I highly recommend. They provide financial software somewhat similar to Mint, and it is free as well. Personal Capital is much more detailed though, so between the two I would definitely choose Personal Capital. You can track your net worth, your cash flow, your portfolio, your investments, and more. Personal Capital pretty much picks up in the main area that Mint is not the greatest in, which is investment planning. Read Personal Capital Review – An Easier Way To Manage Your Finances.
Making money blogging
How To Start A Blog FREE Course: With this free email course, I show you exactly how to create a blog, from the technical side (it’s easy – trust me!) all the way to earning your first income and attracting followers. Each day for seven days, you will receive an email in your inbox that will help you create a successful and profitable blog, all from the very beginning. You can sign up here.
Make extra money
Income reports
Life, motivation, inspiration
Related tip: My preferred way to travel is to stay in short-term rental vacation homes such as Airbnb (this will give you a $20 Airbnb coupon code for your next stay). Airbnb vacation home rates are usually comparable or cheaper than a hotel, plus you usually have more room and there is usually a kitchen as well. Also, if you have a lot of people going on vacation with you, you can split a house for a much cheaper price than it would be for everyone to get a hotel room. Read my Airbnb review The Many Positives Of Using Airbnb Plus a Coupon Code For Your Next Vacation!
One last thing. My sister runs a great blog called FITnancials. Here are some of my favorite blog posts of hers:
What are the best personal finance tips that you received in 2016? What was your favorite blog post from my blog or someone else's?
Original article and pictures take www.makingsenseofcents.com site
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