четверг, 9 апреля 2015 г.

How to Quickly Pull Together Personal Finance Projects

How to Quickly Pull Together Personal Finance Projects

Where can you find personal finance projects? Where should this topic be covered? And how do you fully cover the topic of personal finance? If you or your administrator have scratched your head over these questions, join the club. The term "finance" automatically sounds business curriculum-related. But then there's that "personal" aspect that really points towards life skills and consumer science. So where is personal finance being covered? Both places, it seems, according to a “#finlit in #busedu” chat in December 2014.

Regardless of where it is covered, the bigger question is how is it covered? And how can you quickly pull together some personal finance projects and curriculum to use in your classroom?

Personal Finance High School Curriculum Ideas from Teachers

Here's some excerpts from the chat where teachers are sharing where they find good personal finance projects and content that you can use, too! The full chat is fabulous and a good read if you are teaching personal finance.

personal finance projects

Search for Personal Finance Projects

So what can you find if you want to go search for some good ideas for personal finance projects on your own?

Khan Academy has some really good content on finance and capital markets. Inside this content, Khan touches on these topics:

  • interest and debt
  • housing
  • inflation
  • taxes
  • accounting and financial statements
  • stocks and bonds
  • insurances and retirement
  • money and banking
  • options and derivatives
  • current economics

One way to use this resource could be to flip your classroom. Tell your students what to go over at home and then when they are in class, use what they learned to complete an activity relating to those skills.

If you have never used Teachers Pay Teachers, this is a great time to look into it. It is a great resource if you have a little bit of time to do some digging. Just type in "personal finance" on the site, and you'll find all sorts of options for personal finance projects and activities. You can further narrow down your results by age group.

Well-Rounded Personal Finance Curriculum for High School Students

Want more than a few personal finance projects? How about an organized selection of engaging, multimedia curriculum with corresponding PowerPoint presentations, study guides, lesson plans, teacher guides, and automatically graded quizzes and tests? Business&ITCenter21 has all that, plus a library full of content surrounding other business topics like marketing, management, and accounting.

The Personal Financial Literacy module has been developed to help students understand how their personal choices can affect their financial circumstances and how their financial circumstances will ultimately impact their lifestyle options. This module is intended to increase their financial knowledge in order to help them successfully manage their financial decisions. Here's a look at what they'll learn...

Unit 1: Earning Income

In Lesson 1 of this unit, The Earning Potential game allows students to explore how real-life decisions impact financial opportunity and growth. In Lesson 2, students have the chance to learn about different forms of income.

Lesson 1- Earning Potential

  • Identify how career choice, education and/or training, job-related skills, and economic conditions affect earning potential.
  • Determine opportunity costs related career choices

Lesson 2- Types of Income

  • Identify sources of income
  • Identify various forms of income
  • Determine how the average wage or salary for different jobs differs by the level of education, job skill, or years of experience

Unit 2: Managing Your Money

In this unit, students are expose to valuable life skills such as reading a pay stub, balancing a bank register, writing a check, budgeting, and making informed purchasing decisions.

Lesson 1- Reading a Pay Stub

  • Identify sections of a pay stub
  • Determine how to calculate net pay
  • Recognize various paycheck deductions

Lesson 2- Introduction to Banking

  • Identify types of accounts
  • Evaluate banking transactions for accuracy and completeness
  • Determine uses for online banking

Lesson 3-Budgeting

  • Define the term budget
  • Identify what factors determine budget
  • Create a budget
  • Apply budget restraints to expenses and purchases

Lesson 4-Informed Purchases

  • Assess the item
  • Determine how spending choices are influenced
  • Identify deceptive advertising
  • Examine benefits and opportunity costs of spending decisions

Unit 3: Using Credit

In Using Credit, students will learn how consumer credit is determined and used. Students will also explore how borrowing money works through loans and credit cards.

Lesson 1-Consumer Credit

  • What is a credit score?
  • Reporting agencies
  • How is it determined?
  • How is it used?

Lesson 2-Borrowing Money

  • Principal and Interest
  • Loans
  • Credit Cards

So whether you tackle the subject of personal finance in business courses or in your life skills curriculum, the most important thing is that the students are getting this "survival" content. They're going to need it! Make sure you are filling their lessons with engaging personal finance projects!

Do you want to try the personal finance lessons described above? Sign up for a free trial of Business&ITCenter21 to get started:

Sarah has been with AES since 1998, first serving as a curriculum developer, and now as a customer support analyst and content creator. She is committed to helping instructors gain experience and confidence using our solutions and to providing excellent customer care.

Original article and pictures take www.aeseducation.com site

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