I set too many big goals in 2017. I was excited about the year and wanted to do everything. For 2018, I want to focus on only a few main areas. PowerSheets are such a great tool to help you set goals and reach them. The one-year PowerSheets are sold out for 2018 but there are still six-month undated PowerSheets if you are interested. You can try them out (for a cheaper price) and see if you want to get the one year planner next year. Click here to learn more about the six-month planner. You won’t regret it!
For 2018, I am focusing on 3 main areas: health, finances, and personal/spiritual growth.

I wanted to share my goals on my blog for a few reasons:
- To hold myself accountable: if I share them, it gives me the push to stay committed and actually reach them
- To inspire others: if you haven’t set any goals for 2018, it’s not too late! Use this as motivated to set aside time to think about what you want to accomplish.
- To show my awful handwriting: Most people post their beautiful handwriting and mine is barely legible which is totally okay. I still wrote down my goals! Don’t be afraid to be messy. You don’t need perfect handwriting to use PowerSheets or write down your goals.

The PowerSheets prep really helps you reflect on 2017 and prepare for 2018. I assigned a color to each goal using the sticker book from Cultivate What Matters so it will be easy to associate a monthly, weekly, daily goal on my tending lists with one of my big goals. After completing all of the prep work, I decided on these 4 goals:

There is space for many more goals so it was hard to stop at 4 but I really want to focus on these areas.
Refresh My Finances:
This goal is important to me because it is my first year being debt free (for now). I want to retire early and be financially prepared for marriage. I know I will be in debt in a few years (my boyfriend has a ton of student loan debt) so I want to be as financially prepared as possible.
Side note: I love that on the action plan pages you reflect on why this goal is important, how you will feel making progress, how you will celebrate, what resources you have for guidance, your starting steps, etc.
My Action Items:
-contribute $50 to Roth IRA every month
-complete 2-3 money courses/webinars
-learn more about investing
-increase side hustle income
-60% of wedding fund complete

Of course, I might do more than this but these are my main action items. I might increase my Roth contribution to $100 instead of $50 but I set it at $50 because that is the minimum I want to contribute each month.
I am also going to try to do some no spend weeks or different challenges throughout 2018. The week of January 15th, Kim and I are hosting a no spend week challenge in our Facebook group Millennial Money Moves. We are going to provide tips, prizes, and resources. Our goal is to do one mini challenge a month to help keep us motivated and accountable throughout the year. Make sure to join us!
Make My Health a Priority:
I want to feel good in my skin and be confident. My health affects all aspects of my life and I need to make sure I take care of myself.
My Action Items:
-drink enough water daily
-work out 4-5x a week
-meal prep/plan weekly

Focus on Personal Growth:
Life is short and I need to make the most of it. I want to grow my blog because I enjoy it. I want to declutter/simplify because I have a lot of stuff I do not need or use. A daily routine is important so I stay productive and organized throughout the day.
My Action Items:
-more consistent blog posts
-more guest posts/sponsored posts
-go to bed earlier/wake up earlier
-read 1-2 books a month

Grow Closer to God:
I need to make God a priority in my life even when things are hectic.
My Action Items:
-read devotional daily
-pray daily
-read the entire bible
-prepare for engagement/marriage

I was reading Lara Casey’s 2017 goals and she wanted to read the bible in a year. I decided I am going to follow the same reading plan she followed. It is super easy because it is on your phone and it will send you daily reminders and track your progress. I also wanted to read it in chronological order, which is what Lara did, so this plan seemed perfect for me. If you are interested in this plan, you can click here to learn more.

Now that my goals are written, I will use them to fill out my tending lists each month. I haven’t filled out my January tending list yet but I will refer back to my big goals and decide what steps I want to take in January to reach them.

What are some of your 2018 goals? What progress do you want to make in 2018?
Looking for other tools to help you set your goals? Make sure to check out my post Gift Guide for Goal Setters
Original article and pictures take i1.wp.com site
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