There’s literally millions of books on personal finance and money management. How do you know which ones are the best personal finance books? Thankfully, LOTS of people have been there before you and have given us many informative reviews on the books available.
If you’re in the market for an excellent financial book, you COULD find someone who seems to have their money act together and ask them what book they used…OR you can check out the ones listed in this post.
I did a bit of research, and compiled this list of both books I’ve read and enjoyed as well as ones that were rated highest by reviewers on Amazon. These books are great for getting yourself educated and motivated about the world of frugal living and budget-creating.
Best Personal Finance Books:
4: The Four Principles of a Debt Free Life by John Schneider and David Auten
The Money Queen’s Guide: For Women Who Want to Build Wealth and Banish Fear by Cary Carbonaro
A Happy Pocket Full of Money : Infinite Wealth and Abundance in the Here and Now by David Cameron Gikandi
The Path to Wealth: Seven Spiritual Steps for Financial Abundance by May McCarthy
The Soul of Money: Transforming Your Relationship with Money and Life by Lynne Twist
Top 10 Distinctions Between Millionaires and the Middle Class by Keith Cameron Smith
I have read a few of these before, but the rest are totally on my list!
Original article and pictures take anexerciseinfrugality.com site
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