In order to manage money effectively, it is necessary to have a good understanding of personal finance. Sadly, very little about finance is taught in schools, even though it is likely the most useful skill that one will ever learn in the current economic environment. Because of this, it is necessary to augment one’s learning about finance in any way possible, and out of all options, books are by far the best. Through a good finance book, one can learn what mindset is necessary to acquire, and maintain wealth as well as improve understanding of finance in a realistic and applicable way. Anyone who is looking to sharpen their eye and learn to manage money more effectively should read these books and put the principles they teach to the test.
Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by Harv T. Eker
In this book, multi-millionaire Harv T. Eker details all the ways in which parents and those of the lower class accidentally program their children to be poor. By providing this information, Eker is able to help one understand the way rich people think as opposed to the poor. This information is extremely valuable and can help create a mindset for wealth accumulation instead of financial dependence.
Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert T. Kiyosaki
Robert T. Kiyosaki had two primary male role models growing up, his biological dad and his friend’s rich dad. In this book he describes his personal experiences with both of his “dads” in order to show the difference in mindset between the rich and the poor. This book is extremely valuable for those who are looking to create a true financial empire and get out of the cycle of need and greed that keeps so many trapped in poor financial situations.
Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey
Dave Ramsey is the king of providing down-to-earth, common sense solutions to improve finances. Instead of endless anecdotes, Ramsey gives small practical lessons that everyone can put into action in order to avoid debt and be ready for potential emergency situations.
The Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Clason
This book by George S. Clason is one of the most famous finance books of all time. Because this book is entirely in parable, it is very easily digestible by a large range of people. While not the most blunt book, the advice given is extremely practical and can help anyone improve their financial ability. If financial books tend to bore you, this will probably be quick read that can keep you awake.
Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
This book has had a huge influence on the lives of many since its original publication in 1937. Think and Grow Rich details what it takes in order to create a mindset that will attract wealth. The steps given by Hill are very practical and helpful for a wide range of people who are looking to improve their well-being and increase wealth.
The more you learn about finances in general, the better you will be at managing your money and you can become proficient in investing, saving and spending wisely, and making the most of your money. The better you are at managing your personal finances, the easier your life will be. Pick up one of these good reads today and get on the road to becoming more financially savvy tomorrow than you are today.
image courtesy of Naypong,
In full disclosure, this post contains affiliate links to help support The Budget Diet girl! My advice will always be unbiased and free, but free won’t pay the bills! Thanks!
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