Every little personal finance tip can help make your finances better.
That’s why I came up with a list of 75 personal finance tips to help you make and save money.
After graduating law school and knowing nothing about personal finance I decided to start a blog about my student loan debt. Since then, I’ve paid off $100k+ in debt (and counting), quit my job as a lawyer to become a financial planner, and supplemented my income by blogging.
I’d say I’ve learned a few things about money over the last 5 years.
So, I’m sharing a massive list of personal finance tips that you can take action on to improve your finances. Some may or may not apply to you, so consider it general information to increase your knowledge of personal finance and hopefully spark some new ideas for you.
Each of the 75 personal finance tips is listed under a specific category so it’s easier to follow. The categories are:
- Money Management
- Income
- Career
- Debt
- Liquid Savings
- Retirement Savings
- Investing
- Spending
- Frugal Living
- Giving
- Minimalism
- People
- Behavioral Finance
- Financial Education
Here goes… A massive list of personal finance tips to help you make and save money!
First up is the money management category, which lists personal finance tips that can help you manage your money better. This includes things like budgeting, estate, insurance, and tax planning, and a few other gems.
1. Create a budget
Create a budget based on your monthly income and expenses. A budget is the tool that gets you to stay on track financially every month. A budget shows you exactly where your money is going so you can know whether you’re on track with your income and expenses. It’s your blueprint for achieving your financial goals.
Next steps:
2. Track your net worth
Track your net worth to get the big picture of your entire financial situation. Your net worth is a snapshot of your assets and liabilities at a given time. Your net worth measures what you’re actually worth financially. It’s important to know what your net worth is if you want to build wealth. It’s not enough to only budget. You need both a budget and to track your net worth.
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3. Use a third-party aggregator
If you manage your finances electronically, you may feel more comfortable using a third-party aggregator to get the big picture of your financial situation. Mint.com is an example of one, and I know there are more. This is ideal if you want an app on your phone and prefer using digital budgeting and net worth tracking opposed to doing it manually
4. Check your credit reports and credit score annually
Check your credit reports from each credit bureau (there are three) annually using annualcreditreport.com. Even if your credit card company offers credit monitoring or reporting, it’s a good idea to check your actual reports through this site to get your official reports. It’s what I do and find it very easy to use. The reason you should check your credit reports annually is to verify all the information is correct, and make sure your identity hasn’t been compromised.
Next step:
5. Get estate documents in place
Make sure you have the right estate documents in place. This varies for everyone so I always recommend seeing an attorney. But don’t be intimidated by me saying that – if you are married, have kids, or have anyone else who is financially connected to you, it’s really important you have the right estate documents in place. I see way too many of my friends with kids not having an estate plan. My two cents is that it’s worth the couple of grand you may have to pay to protect your family.
Next step:
- Read Estate Planning Basics to learn what can be included in an estate plan
6. Get the right insurance coverages
It’s important to have the right insurance coverages in place to protect you and your family financially. This includes property and casualty insurance, medical insurance, life insurance, and disability insurance, just to name a few types. It’s easy to overlook insurance, but if something tragic or unexpected happens to you, it would be even more devastating without the right insurance.
Next steps:
- Read this blog post about Health Insurance Basics
- Read this blog post about Life Insurance Basics
7. Project your taxes
Tax planning is one of the most effective ways to save money every year. If you have the opportunity, talk to a CPA or financial planner to do a tax projection for you. You may find ways to save money through tax planning that you’re not taking advantage of.
Next step:
- Read this blog post about Taxes For Beginners
8. Set financial goals
The best way I know of to change where you are financially is to set goals. Goals give you a target to plan ahead for. If you need to payoff debt, save for a house, or something else – you can use goals to help you get there. Setting financial goals can change your life.
Next steps:
9. Have financial planning meetings to review your money
Have a set time to review your finances yourself and with your spouse. You need to review and reevaluate whether what you’re doing is working. You need to make changes as your life changes. I like to review my money weekly so there’s less to go over at each meeting, but you can decide what works for you – monthly or quarterly may fit with your life better depending on where you are financially. The point is to not set it and forget it. Your finances need to be reviewed periodically.
Now, let’s move on to a favorite topic of mine – income. The income category lists personal finance tips that can help you increase your income doing something meaningful.
10. Make money doing something that fulfills you
Pursue making money doing something that fulfills you. Whether that’s in the career you’re in now or something else, find a way to be aligned with your work and make money doing it. Sometimes, this is easier said than done, but you can start by taking little steps to move you toward the ultimate goals of feeling fulfilled by how you make money. One example would be to spend time figuring out what you want to do with your life by shadowing people in other professions. Whatever it takes, you spend too much time working to do something that doesn’t fulfill you.
Next step:
- Sign up for 5 Days To Designing Your Dream Life
11. If you don’t know what to do, start a blog
If you feel stuck and don’t know what to do, I highly recommend starting a blog. A blog can be a great way to write about something you care about and make money. This is what I did – I started my blog while I was practicing law. This led to me quitting my job as an attorney to pursue a career as a financial planner. All this from a little blog I started on a whim.
Next steps:
12. Start a side hustle
If you want to make extra money, start a “side hustle” (a job on the side of your day-job). There are tons of options for side hustles . Whether it’s because you want to get out of debt, save for a down payment on a house, or just pay your bills, a side hustle can change your finances for the better. Don’t feel stuck making the money you do from your current job – there are always ways to make more money.
Next steps:
13. Invest in yourself to make more money
If you want to make more money, invest in yourself. This could be in the traditional form of going to college, or it could be in a much more affordable way, like taking on online course. An example would be taking a class to learn how to become a virtual assistant and make money from home. Just don’t ignore the opportunity to make money on your own terms because you’re not there yet. Take a course and get started. You’re worth it.
14. Diversify your income
Diversify your income so you don’t rely on one source entirely. Whether this is through a second job, investing in the stock market, or starting a business, you can find ways to bring in multiple streams of income. The average millionaire has seven streams of income.
Next step:
15. Be aware of the three types of income and how you pay taxes on each differently
There are three types of income, and they’re not treated equally. Knowing this can help you better understand your taxes and which income you to make more of. The three types of income are: 1) earned income (like what you make from your day-job), 2) portfolio income (the income you make from the stock market when your investments go up), and 3) passive income (the income you make from assets you own, while not actively working (e.g.: rental income or business income). Each type of income is taxed differently, too. You pay a higher percentage in taxes from active income than from portfolio income, typically. Knowing the different types of income can help you better understand how your money works and how you can save on taxes, too.
Next step:
- Read this blog post to learn about the three different types of income
On to career. The career category lists personal finance tips that can help you with your career. Here are my career tips…
16. Work in a job that pays you what you’re worth in the market place
Make sure you’re getting paid what you’re worth. It’s relatively easy to search online and find out what someone with your job is likely to make in your area. Take advantage of this. If you find out you’re underpaid, do something about it. Ask for a raise, build your resume, or find another job – just don’t accept how things are. Your career is too long to spend it underpaid.
Next step:
17. Don’t let your job define who you are
Make sure you don’t let your job define who you are as a person. Your job is your work. It’s what you do. It’s not a reflection of who you are as a person. Never forget this. If you do identify with your job as who you are as a person, you’ll be too attached in an unhealthy way. God forbid you’re let go, you could be devastated beyond measure and even fall into depression. Lots of jobs exist. There are plenty of opportunities for you out there. Don’t be defined by one job. You’re too special for that.
18. Negotiate your salary
Learn how to negotiate a salary to get paid more. This comes with practice, so the sooner you start the better. Practicing negotiating early in your career will better prepare you for the bigger negotiations you’ll have later in your career. There’s no reason to leave money on the table.
19. Spend money to grow professionally
Spend money to grow in your career by going to conferences, taking courses, reading books, or something else specific to your job. It may feel like you don’t want to spend the money on something like this, but if it pushes you outside your comfort zone and causes you to advance in your career, it’s usually worth the money.
20. Don’t stay in a job you hate it
Life is too short to stay in a job you hate. It’s just not worth it no matter how old you are. So, set a goal to quit your job if you really hate it. I’ve listed helpful resources below that can prepare you for quitting (especially since I did this myself when I quit practicing law). You deserve to be fulfilled through your work. If you hate what you do, find a way to change that.
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Now a category I’m basically a professional in – debt! The debt category lists personal finance tips that can help you with debt.
21. Get out of debt
One of the best personal finance tips I know of is to get out of debt. I’ve now paid off $100k (and counting) of student loan debt. There’s no other way to guarantee a rate of return back to you than by paying off your debt. Whatever your interest rate is, is the return to yourself when your debt is paid off. As Dave Ramsey says, get mad at your debt. Pay it off asap.
Next steps:
22. Pay off your credit cards in full every month
If you use credit cards, pay them off in full every month. It’s a myth that you need to keep a balance to build your credit. You can build your credit by using a credit card and paying it off in full every month. I have never had a credit card, so I can’t speak to the points or reward value that you get from using them. I do know that credit card companies wouldn’t be in business if everyone paid off their cards in full every month. Don’t let that be you!
23. Pay off your student loans
If you have student loans, pay them off. Student loans are not collateralized and cannot usually be discharged in bankruptcy. This means you’re most likely going to be stuck with your student loans unless you pay them off. If you qualify for a forgiveness program for working in public service, that’s also an option to explore. Get down to business now and make sacrifices so you can get out of student loan debt. It’s not “good debt.” It’s debt that needs to go away.
Next steps:
24. Be careful with income-driven repayment plans
Be careful using an income driven repayment plan to pay off your student loans. People love to recommend them, but the reality is that if you’re not repaying your loans at a rate every month that covers your interest, then your debt will increase over time. You don’t want to turn around in 20 years and owe double what you started with.
25. Stay out of debt
Once you’re out of debt, make it a commitment to stay out of debt (this is especially important if you’re a spender). You can’t do anything about the debt you got into in the past, but you can avoid getting into more debt in the future.
26. Use debt ratios as guidance
Compare your debt to a few standard debt ratios. I learned these while studying for the CFP ® examination last year. In general, debt ratios to consider are:
- Consumer debt should be < 20% of net income
- Housing debt should be < 28% of gross income
- Total debt should be < 36% of gross income
27. Don’t cosign a loan
When you cosign a loan, you are the second party responsible for paying for the loan if the first party doesn’t pay. Unless you can afford to pay the loan yourself, don’t cosign.
28. Don’t borrow from your retirement accounts
A good rule of thumb is not to borrow from your retirement accounts unless you absolutely have to. There can be tax consequences and penalties when you borrow from your retirement accounts that can make the transaction more costly than beneficial.
“Save dat money.” – ‘Lil Dicky.
The liquid savings category lists personal finance tips that can help you save money.
29. Pay yourself first
When you’re trying to save money, practice saving money right when you’re paid instead of spending first. You are always going to find ways to spend what you make every month, so you might as well save first so you have something to show after all that spending.
Next step:
30. Save a 3-6 month emergency fund
Save an emergency fund in a regular checking or savings account that you set aside for emergencies. How much you should have in your emergency fund depends on your income streams (the fewer sources of income, the more you need in your emergency fund). The biggest point to take away here is that you should have some cash money set aside for emergencies.
Next step:
31. Save 10-12% of your income
One rule of thumb for saving is to save 10-12% of your income. This is a ratio that you can use with your other financial goals to see if it makes sense for you. For example, I have an emergency fund set aside that I no longer contribute to, but I also save 10% of my gross income to my 401(k). I push myself to save this much in my retirement account because I know the value of compound interest. Time is money.
Next steps:
32. Save for big purchases ahead of time
“Christmas is not an emergency. It comes the same time every year.” – Dave Ramsey.
This quote is an example of how you need to be prepared for expenses that you know are coming up. Save in advance. Plan savings for big expenses ahead of time, so you don’t find yourself in debt.
Next step:
The retirement savings category lists personal finance tips that can help you with saving for retirement.
33. Don’t put off saving for retirement
Start saving for retirement as soon as possible. This will give you the advantage of time. Your money will compound over time and your retirement investments will increase exponentially (the value of compound interest).
- Read Why It’s So Important For You To Start Saving For Retirement Now
- Read How To Start Saving For Retirement on JessiFearon.com
34. Max out your employer retirement plan
Generally, a good place to start saving for retirement is your employer’s sponsored retirement plan (e.g.: a 401(k) or 403(b)). First, if your employer offers a match, you want to contribute up to the match so you’re not leaving free money on the table. Second, it’s just usually easier for people to fill out a form at work to start contributing to a retirement plan than it is to go out and open up a retirement investment account with a brokerage firm. So, if you’re not sure where to start saving for retirement, look into your employer’s retirement plan.
Next steps:
- If you’re self-employed, read Retirement Plans For Self-Employed People
35. Save for retirement in a Traditional IRA or Roth IRA
After you’ve explored retirement savings with your employer (or if you don’t have that option), look into opening up your own retirement investment account at a brokerage firm. Typically, this is in the form of a Traditional IRA or Roth IRA. To do this, you’ll need to use a brokerage account at a brokerage firm (I use Schwab, but there are many options). These accounts can give you added retirement investments and potential tax savings.
Next step:
36. Do your own retirement projections
Find a way to do your own retirement projections. There are online calculators you can use (here’s one from Schwab), or you can go to a financial planner for this. A retirement projection will account for your age, your rate of saving for retirement, your current investments, and what your expected expenses in retirement are. It will help you understand whether you’re on track to be financially ready for retirement and at what age.
Now, to the sexy part of this post – investing. The investing category lists personal finance tips that can help you with investing.
37. Start investing in a personal investment account after you’ve maxed out your retirement accounts
Until you’ve maxed out your retirement accounts (e.g.: 401k, 457, Traditional IRA, Roth IRA, etc.) hold off on investing in a personal investment account. Prioritize saving for retirement first. Then, once you’ve maxed out your annual contributions to these accounts, invest on your own.
38. When you can afford it, hire a professional to manage your investments
When you have the money, consider hiring a financial advisor to manage your investments. This can be an excellent way to help you prepare for your financial future and achieve your goals. Just make sure you hire the right type of financial advisor for you. Here’s a list of 15 questions to ask a financial advisor before you hire someone. Having a professional manage your investments can help you big time in the long run.
39. Know exactly what you’re paying in fees
When you invest in the stock market, you end up paying fees in some capacity. Whether it’s fees from the funds you invest in, the brokerage firm you use, the financial advisor you hire, or a combination of these – you’re going to pay fees. The amount of fees you pay varies and can be tricky to figure out. Make sure you know how much you’re paying in total fees. You can look at your fee schedule on your investment account statement (specifically at the expense ratio of the portfolio) in addition to adding out of pocket fees you pay for services you get with your investments. Fees are sometimes hidden and tricky to find. Make it a priority to know what you’re paying in total fees so you’re not duped into paying more than you should be paying.
40. Rebalance your portfolio
If you invest in the stock market, you need to rebalance your portfolio. It’s generally not a good idea to invest and never look at your portfolio again. Rebalancing is when you buy and sell assets to match the asset allocation you originally decided on. If this sounds foreign to you, that’s okay. But if you’re investing in the stock market and you don’t know what rebalancing is, take time to learn more about it so you don’t sabotage your efforts. Rebalancing is important. A book that helped me understand this was I Will Teach You To Be Rich by Ramit Sethi.
41. Pay attention to asset allocation
Asset allocation is the plan you set for your investments. Like Ramit Seti says in I Will Teach You To Be Rich, “Your Investment plan is more important than your actual investments.” If you decide the plan for your portfolio is 75% equities, 15% bonds, and 10% market diversifiers, this is your plan or asset allocation. Depending on who you talk to, it’s arguably more important than the actual equities, bonds, or market diversifiers that you have in your portfolio. If you’re investing on your own, without a professional, take the time to learn about asset allocation – it’s too important not to.
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This part of the post is great for all you spenders out there. This section lists personal finance tips that can help you with your spending.
42. Live below your means
Whether you’re rich or broke, it’s wise to live below your means. It’s the only way you can have financial success and not run out of money. Give yourself enough financial margin in your budget so you’re not stressed about money all the time.
Next step:
43. Be aware of your own consumerism
At any given moment, companies are fighting for your attention to make you think you need something that you don’t. It’s the modern world we live in. Be aware that advertisements and commercials are there to persuade you to think you need something so you buy it. Notice this and stop yourself from believing it.
Next step:
44. Reduce your expenses
Find ways to reduce your expenses. Start by looking at your budget and attacking each expense at a time. For groceries, do research about how to use coupons and save at the store. For utilities, call your cable company and ask for a better deal (or ditch cable all together). It’s amazing how much you can cut in your expenses with a little effort.
Next step:
45. Research big purchases before you make them
Before you buy something big, do your research. It can pay off big time. I once saved $4,000 getting my car repaired by looking up the recalls first. Whenever you know you’re going to buy something expensive (a home, a car, a television), get online and look up deals and compare prices.
46. Wait 10 days before buying anything over a certain limit
A rule of thumb before you purchase something expensive (e.g.: over $100) is to wait 10 days before making the purchase. The point is to avoid impulse spending. If you still think it’s a good idea after 10 days, then buy it.
47. Practice mindful spending
Think about what you’re buying and whether it’s something that adds value to your life. Consider holding off if you don’t think you’ll truly gain something from it. Practicing this will make you more mindful of how much your money is worth.
Next up is frugal living. Fair warning: I’m not frugal – I’m much more minimalist (see below). But that doesn’t mean I don’t have a lot to say about frugal living because it can help you live below your means and accomplish your goals (great if you’re strapped for cash or getting out of debt).
48. Never buy something full price
Adopt the mindset of never paying full price for anything. This will get you thinking about creative ways to save money for things you may have otherwise accepted as always costing full price. The habit of never buying full price can save you big time in the long run.
Next step:
49. Sign up for emails from where you shop to get deals
Sign up for emails to get specific deals where you shop. I have a separate email account for this so I don’t get bogged down in emails. Because companies give special deals to their subscribers, this is a great way to save at places where you already shop.
50. Use coupons when you shop
Get in the habit of using coupons when you shop. You can use physical, paper coupons, or find ways to use digital coupons (my preferred method of choice). It’s a way to save money and get the best deal. Once you’re in this habit, it’s easy to keep searching for more coupons, which leads to more savings.
Next step:
51. Buy in bulk
If you have a family, buying in bulk is a great way to spend less. Canned items, paper products, and anything else you can store that won’t go bad are things you should look to buy in bulk at a lower price. Just be careful only to buy it if you need it and not because it’s a good deal.
52. Use Pinterest to DIY your life
Pinterest is a fantastic way to learn how to get everything you want for your home on a budget. There are tips and tricks for decorating, cleaning, creating, and all things home. If you’re not using Pinterest, you are missing out on a huge platform that can spark your creativity for your home and your money.
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The giving category is a bit different because it focuses on giving away your money (not on using your money for your own benefit, like the other categories). Giving is a big part of personal finance.
53. Plan out what you give
A great personal finance tip to remember is to plan your giving. Instead of randomly giving here and there when the opportunity presents itself, plan your giving in advance. This gives you more control and helps you give to causes you believe in the most.
54. Make financial giving a priority
Financial giving is a way to be generous unlike any other because it requires you to give up your hard earned, precious dollars. When you prioritize giving, you come from a place of generosity. It will change your life if you consistently donate money.
55. Use charitable gifting to lower your taxes
Donating your money can be a way to lower your taxes, too. Whether it’s from donating actual dollars to a charity, clothes to Goodwill, or appreciated assets from a charitable gift fund, there are plenty of ways to make donating a way to lower your taxes.
Now on to my favorite topic these days – minimalism. Minimalism is all about living a more fulfilling, simpler life. It’s about living with less stuff and having more meaning. It’s about people, experiences, and purging all your unnecessary stuff. It’s the anti-clutter. And that is why it’s perfect for me. I just love it. Here are the minimalism tips with respect to personal finance…
56. Practice purging
Make it a habit to purge things in your home that don’t add value to your life. If you’re not using something (whether it’s your clothes or your furniture), donate it or sell it. Having organized space with things you use will make you feel better about your environment.
57. Prioritize quality over quantity
Practice prioritizing the quality of something over the quantity of what you’re getting when you buy it. This may cause you to spend a little more, but only on things you value highly. I find that I spend less because I’m careful to buy only what is very valuable to me, even if it does cost a bit more.
58. Spend money on experiences, not things
Spend money on experiences instead of things. This has proven to make people happier in the long run. Years down the road, you will remember the trip you took more than the purse you bought. This was hard for me at first but as I’ve gotten used to it, my mindset has shifted to prioritize experiences, which has made more meaningful memories for me.
59. Simplify your financial accounts
Instead of having a savings account for every planned activity in the future (e.g.: a vacation fund, an emergency fund, a down payment on a house fund, etc.), simplify your bank accounts. The number of checking and savings accounts is up to you, but consider long and hard why you need each. For example, I have one checking account and one savings account. Simpler is easier.
Next step:
60. Remember that wanting less is better than having more
Practice wanting less. This will give you inner contentment because you won’t always be looking at what someone else has and wanting something you don’t need. Wanting less leaves you more fulfilled and happier with your own life.
Next step:
- Read Becoming Minimalist for more minimalism blog posts
On to the most challenging category – people. Ha. J Money and people – the dreaded money fight – we’ve all been there. So, this category lists personal finance tips that can help you with your money as it relates to people.
61. Talk about money with your spouse
If you share a home with your partner (boyfriend, spouse, etc.), it’s really important you talk about money together. Being in a relationship with shared money means that you need to talk about money and make financial decisions together.
Next step:
62. Have transparency about your money
Whether you have joint or separate accounts does not change the fact that if you are sharing money with someone you should have complete transparency about your finances. Honesty is key to building a life together and finances are not an exception.
63. Teach your kids about money
If you have kids, it’s important to teach them about money. Personal finance isn’t taught in school usually, so you are their only resource for learning about money.
64. Don’t try to keep up with the Joneses
Stop comparing yourself to other people. Doing this is going to leave you feeling bad. Instead, practice comparing yourself to where you were in the past, so you can see your progress into the future. You’ll save money by focusing on yourself and not your friends.
65. Be okay with saying “no”
Learn how to say “no” and be totally okay with it. This will give you more time and more money for the things most important to you. If you don’t decide to do this, you’ll be spending money and time doing things you don’t want to do at all.
Next step:
66. Spend time with people who have good money habits and beliefs
You’re the average of the five people you spend the most time with. If you get around people who make good money decisions and have good money habits, they will rub off on you, too.
Behavioral finance is another one of my faves. The behavioral finance category lists personal finance tips that can help you understand money more deeply and how your beliefs and values affect your behavior toward money.
67. Own your financial situation
Look at the reality of your financial situation and assess it honestly. As Suze Orman says, stand in your truth. Don’t avoid your mess. Take ownership of it so you can change it.
68. Understand your money blueprint
Your money blueprint is the programming you received about money growing up. If you were lucky enough to grow up with supportive money beliefs, that’s great. But if you weren’t so lucky, you need to be aware of the detrimental money beliefs you’re holding on to. These can get in the way of your financial success.
Next step:
69. Start supportive money habits
Implement supportive money habits that help you achieve your goals. Habits are what keep you going after motivation wears off. If you can implement supportive money habits, you can increase the likelihood of your financial success.
Next step:
70. Understand how you feel about money
Analyze your attitudes toward money. Are you negative and do you think you’re destined to be broke? Do you think rich people are snobs? Believe it or not, these beliefs can affect how you behave with your own money and can affect your financial success.
The financial education category lists personal finance tips that can help you learn more about money.
71. Read personal finance books
If you don’t know where to start with your own financial education, start by reading a personal finance book. This is how I started teaching myself about money, and I can’t recommend it highly enough. It can be just enough to get you moving in the right direction with your money.
Next step:
72. Listen to personal finance podcasts
To increase your knowledge of personal finance, a good personal finance tip is to listen to podcasts. I used to listen to money podcasts during my commute before I started my blog. It was my very first introduction to learning about money. This is an easy way to learn about money with very little effort.
Next step:
- Listen to the Bad With Money With Gaby Dunn podcast
73. Take a personal finance course
To continue learning about personal finance and be better prepared making decisions, take a personal finance course. There are personal finance courses at colleges you can take as well as taking an online course about money.
Next steps:
- Take the Real Life Money Plan course to learn how to create the financial life you want for yourself
- Take Budgeting For Budget Haters if you need to learn how to create and implement a budget that works for you
74. Learn about investing yourself
A good financial tip to live by is to learn the basics of investing yourself. This will help you make more informed decisions and help protect you against potentially bad investments.
75. Subscribe to personal finance blogs
Start subscribing to personal finance blogs to learn more about money. Not only can you learn the technical side of personal finance, but you also can make sure you’re always thinking about money by getting emails from your favorite bloggers. What you focus on expends. So, if you’re focused on personal finance, your knowledge of it will grow.
Next step:
A Final Note!
That’s a wrap! 75 personal finance tips to help you make and save money.
A quick final bonus tip: Remember to follow your own rules. Do your own research and make the right financial decisions for you. I’m amazed at the amount of wrong information you can find so easily. And because no one will care more about your money than you, you owe it to yourself to create your own financial future.
Cheers to a better financial life!
Original article and pictures take nataliebacon.com site
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