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I used to not consider myself a big podcast person. While everyone else was hopping on the Serial train I was calling NPR like “Can I just have some Justin Beiber?”
And I’ll admit I listen to whatever’s on the radio when I get in the car. I’m too lazy and usually running too late to decide what I want to listen to, which album/episode, AND plug it into my broken aux plug.
But in the last six months, I’ve been addicted to podcasts.
I got into them by writing this blog post. It started out as a list of podcasts I wanted to try to save my readers the trial and error of finding them on their own and has turned into an obsession my husband does not want to be in the room when I start talking about.
Best Financial Podcasts
I found my favorites and scoured the internet for other’s recommendations for the best personal finance podcasts. And while this one is money podcasts, if you read to the end you’ll get my bonus suggestion for the podcast even non-personal finance nerds will love.
I heard about Gaby Dunn’s podcast, Bad With Money, when she had Budget Girl on an episode. I’m not big into the YouTube community so I’d never heard of her but she stars in her own online show. When I listened to the podcast I knew this is what I’d been looking for.
As far as personal finance podcasts go there are a lot of smart people saying a lot of great things but there aren’t many millennials hashing out the tough questions that have more to do with just making money, paying off debt, and investing.
Her language is a little vulgar but her message is on point. There’s more to money than math and Gaby explores the tough subjects other generations want to ignore.
Episodes of interest: Jagged Little Bills (Episode 1) & Stone Cold Good Damn Reasons
2. Death, Sex & Money
Anna Sale hosts Death, Sex & Money on WNYC. I heard about this podcast from its 2 part student loan series. I couldn’t get those stories out of my head. The show is classic NPR style storytelling and it’s infectious.
Other episodes include interesting stories about life and money. You won’t learn much about managing money but there’s only so much you need to know about that. The rest is trying to live it out.
Episodes of interest: Our Student Loan Secrets Part 1 & Part 2
3. Smart Passive Income
30 minutes with Pat Flynn listening to his Smart Passive Income podcast and you will feel like you guys are best friends. Every Wednesday I look forward to seeing what topic his new episode will be on and who he’ll be interviewing.
Some of my favorites include Session 258 on productivity with Chris Bailey, Session 237 which proves you can make money online with literally any skill, and Session 167 on creating “lifers” with Chalene Johnson.
I love this podcast because creating a stream of passive income should be everyone’s goal. No matter what profession or area of expertise you have, you can and should be creating passive income to protect your future and allow yourself more professional and lifestyle flexibility.
Episodes of interest: Types of Passive Income and What to Expect From Each (Parts 1-3)
4. The Dave Ramsey Show
Three words: Debt Free Screams
Nothing motivates me more to pay off my debt than hearing the stories of people who’ve done it. There’s nothing extraordinary about these people besides the fact that they leaned in and did, and I love that. There’s one every hour of his three-hour show every weekday.
If you’re a numbers person, Dave Ramsey may not be for you. He has a strong opinion on personal finance that some people in the personal finance sphere don’t agree with.
But as someone who’s read his books and used his Baby Steps as a model for getting out of debt, he’s helped me and millions of others have a chance at breaking out of the middle-class mindset and changing our lives for the better. And that’s worth something.
Episode of Interest: They’re all similar so you can’t go wrong with any
5. The Side Hustle Show
I’m a big fan of Nick Loper’s Side Hustle Show. Nick has a lot of charisma and invites amazing guests from all kinds of side hustles to his show.
Some interesting ones are episode 215 with a notary public loan signing agent, episode 218 about building a 6-figure side hustle on Fiverr, and session 226 on making $500 in the first seven days of your side hustle.
I also have no shame in saying that the cheesy announcer voice at the beginning is my favorite part. If you haven’t found your soul hustle then you need to check this podcast out.
Episode of Interest: The 5 Step System to Quit Your Job In the Next 12 Months
I first became familiar with Joshua and Ryan, aka The Minimalists, from a coffee shop they’re invested in down the street from my house in St. Petersburg, FL. They’re better know from their documentary on Netflix.
I believe that the key to saving money is spending less and while I don’t plan on downsizing to two chairs and one book, I am thankful for the reminders in this podcast on what matters and what doesn’t.
7. Stacking Benjamins
It’s like a personal finance variety show. They answer listener questions, do interviews and banter about personal finance like most people do about sports.
This podcast takes place in “Joe’s mom’s basement” and is as funny as it claims to be. They also have a cheesy announcer guy and I think you can guess how I feel about announcers at this point.
Episodes of Interest: Our 400th Episode & Paying off $240,000 in debt
Money For the Rest of Us is for people who want personal finance knowledge and care about the global and national economy.
I like reading people’s “About Me” page to get a feel for if I’m going to relate to them. From what I can tell, David Stein knows how to have a good time. He also knows his stuff about investing and the global and national impact of the economy on your personal finances.
Sometimes I forget that countries out there (and over here!) are as foolish with their money as we are, and David does a good job taking you to school on it.
Episodes of Interest: What Drives Home Prices? & How Climate Change Could Impact Your Investments and Your Life
Chris Peach’s Money Peach Podcast is for people who are starting out with personal finance. It’s less brazen than Dave Ramsey and not as cerebral as Money for the Rest of Us.
I really love Chris’s podcast style, it sounds like he’s chatting with you via speaker phone and the whole time he’s shooting you with wisdom nuggets.
Episodes of Interest: OH CRAP! Mortgage Mistakes & How to do Money With Your Spouse
10. Couple Money Money
I had to include a female podcast host on my list. Podcasts are a male dominated space but women are great story tellers and interviewers and hold a special place in the podcast industry.
Elle Martinez is passionate about helping people build their marriages and wealth. She also has great show notes with resources.
Episode of Interest: Life After Debt
11. Radical Personal Finance
Joshua Sheats is a financial advisor who touts his podcast as being a personal finance master class. Thus, it’s not one for beginners. Each episode is on a specific topic with implementation strategies of that topic for various situations.
If you have obscure questions about personal finance or want a finance podcast that’s next level, you’ll really enjoy Radical Personal Finance.
Episodes of Interest: How to Afford to Have Your Wife Stay at Home & How to Prioritize Steps to Financial Independence for People in Their Twenties
12. Personal Profitability
Eric Rosenburg introduces you to the people who can help you along your personal finance journey. Whether you’re interested in side hustling, talking with your spouse about money, or improving your financial picture, there’s an interview for you.
Eric defines the four pillars of personal profitability as earning more, spending mindfully, growing your wealth, and living a better life. So he invites people on who correspond to these pillars.
Episodes of Interest: Get Out of Debt with Conscious Spending & Making & Selling Products
Less of a podcast and more of the most entertaining 60 minutes you’ll ever experience coming from a radio. I have to admit that I am obsessed with this show, We even went to see it live when we were in Chicago last year.
Peter Sagal hosts this circus of a news comedy variety hour and laughs will ensue the whole time.
Episode of Interest: Any episode with Paula Poundstone.
Tell me: Do you have any favorite personal finance podcasts I didn’t mention?

Original article and pictures take i0.wp.com site
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